Evolution: the monkey within
Leave it to the mind of man to formulate the most fascinating of ideas: Monkey and man share a long lost great, great, great, great…great granddaddy. Absurdity at its finest…but as outlandish as the idea might seem, the evidence, intellectuals claim, lies in the bones, both fossilized and living. In digging up the past and observing the present, a scientist discovered a disturbing yet undeniable pattern, and so dropped a paradigm-shifting hypothesis onto the world. Then, after simple, testable predictions proved true, the remarkably absurd idea became irrefutable fact.
The proof is in the poo.
Consider, if you will, a caged monkey. Subject of laboratory tests, slave of zoo handlers, and furry object to young onlookers, his instincts and intelligence lead him to to toss his poo at persons he deems deserving. Why? Because monkeys discover we think poo is gross. Compare the monkey to common man. Caged in a cubicle, infected with boredom, tap-dancing for table scraps, his instincts and intelligence lead him to toss his poo at persons he deems deserving. Why? Because getting hit with poo is gross. Poo tossing: Coincidence? I think not.
Not convinced?
Now consider the distinguished professor. Respected by peers, sought by scientific journals, and revered by doctoral candidates, he radiates intellectual sophistication like a diamond radiates elegance. Challenge him on the irrefutability of Darwinian evolution, then marvel at the primal instincts within. Rather than engage in honest discussion by dissecting the arguments, he relentlessly hurls insults like they are steamy, squishy wads of poo. Idiot. Ignoramus. Crackpot. Glue-sniffer. CREATIONIST!
Evolution in deed.
With the endless piles of evidence leading us to this obvious conclusion, how in the world could any intelligent, informed scientist seriously consider Darwinian evolution anything other than irrefutable fact?
Question: Are you willing to make that a sincere inquiry?
If so…
Perhaps you should spend some time reading their articles…and then…read their responses to their critics. It just may be that some of these scientists understand the arguments for evolution but disagree with the interpretation of the evidence. What’s more, it is entirely possible these scientists are something other than glue-sniffing creationists.
The below linked articles dive deep into the challenges to evolution. The articles have been categorized by content.
Irreducible Complexity
- Responding to Criticisms of Irreducible Complexity of the Bacterial Flagellum from the Australian Broadcasting Network by Casey Luskin, Discovery.org – (l)
- Do Car Engines Run on Lugnuts? A Response to Ken Miller & Judge Jones’s Straw Tests of Irreducible Complexity for the Bacterial Flagellum by Casey Luskin, Discovery.org – (l, r)
- Michael Behe Hasn’t Been Refuted on the Flagellum by Jonathan M., EvolutionNews.org – (s)
- New Paper on Flagellum Reveals Secret Obsessions by Michael Behe, EvolutionNews.org – (s)
- The Amazing Flagellum from RevolutionaryBehe.com – (s)
- Type III Secretion System from RevolutionaryBehe.com – (s)
- Revolutionary: Michael Behe and the Mystery of Molecular Machines from RevolutionaryBehe.com – (l, *)
Responses to the responses (Preadaptation / Cooption)
- Preadaptation: A Blow to Irreducible Complexity? by Brian Thomas, ICR.org – (s)
- Advances in Biology Discredit Argument that Cooption Can Explain Irreducible Complexity by Brian Miller, EvolutionNews.org – (l)
Probability Problem – Time Constraints
- The Mathematical Impossibility Of Evolution by Henry M. Morris, ICR.org – (s)
- Probability and Order Versus Evolution by Henry M. Morris, IRC.org – (s)
- Mutation Fixation: A Dead End for Macro-evolution by E. Calvin Beinser, ICR.org – (s)
- Wistar: Been There, Done That by David Klinhoffer, EvolutionNews.org – (s)
- Problem 3: Step-by-Step Random Mutations Cannot Generate the Genetic Information Needed for Irreducible Complexity by Casey Luskin, EvolutionNews.org – (l)
- Origin: Probability of a Single Protein Forming by Chance excerpt from Origin, the film
Generation of New Information
- Top Ten Questions and Objections to Introduction to Evolutionary Informatics by Robert J. Marks II, EvolutionNews.org – (l)
- The Evolutionary Informatics Lab: Putting Intelligent Design Predictions to the Test by Casey Luskin, EvolutionNews.org – (s)
- Biologic Institute’s Groundbreaking Peer-Reviewed Science Has Now Demonstrated the Implausibility of Evolving New Proteins by Casey Luskin, EvolutionNews.org – (l)
- New Peer-Reviewed Scientific Article From William Dembski and Robert Marks Challenges the Creative Mechanism of Darwinian Evolution by Casey Luskin, EvolutionNews.org – (s)
- BIO-Complexity Publishes Article Answering Critics Who Promote Tom Schneider’s “ev” Simulation by Casey Luskin, EvolutionNews.org – (l)
- Ev Ware – Evolutionary Simulation from EvoInfo.org – (l)
- Winston Ewert, William Dembski, and Robert Marks Publish Mainstream Scientific Paper Exposing Flaws in Avida Evolution Simulation by Casey Luskin – (s)
- Weasel Ware – Evolutionary Simulation from EvoInfo.org – (s)
- Powerhouse of Scientists Refute Evolution, Part One by Brian Thomas, ICR.org – (s)
- Powerhouse of Scientists Refute Evolution, Part Two by Brian Thomas, ICR.org – (s)
- Powerhouse of Scientists Refute Evolution, Part Three by Brian Thomas, ICR.org – (s)
- Groundbreaking Paper Shows Thousands of New Genes Needed for the Origin of Animals from EvolutionNews.org – (s)
- Julian Charles- The Mind Renewed: “Introduction to Evolutionary Informatics” Dr. Robert J. Marks II
- Information Enigma: Where does information come from? from Discovery.org
Response to Snowflakes
- Michael Shermer and the Laws of Complexity by Brian Miller, EvolutionNews.org – (s)
- Emergence Is Real, but It Can’t Replace Information from EvolutionNews.org – (s)
Responses to Citrate
- Evolution’s Top Example Topples by Brian Thomas, ICR.org – (s)
- Richard Lenski and Citrate Hype — Now Deflated by Michael Behe, EvolutionNews.org – (s)
(s) short
(l) long
(r) repeated information from above article/video but told through a different voice.
(*) a favorite article/video of the Stuart
Cambrian Explosion
- Intelligent Design 101: What Is the Cambrian Explosion, Anyway? from EvolutionNews.org – (s)
- Is the Cambrian Explosion Problem Solved? by Brian Thomas, ICR.org – (s)
- Another Cambrian Discovery Discredits Evolution by Jeffrey P. Tomkins, PhD, ICR.org – (s)
- The Burgess Shale and Complex Life by John D. Morris, PhD, ICR.org – (s)
- Alleged Refutation of the Cambrian Explosion Confirms Abruptness, Vindicates Meyer by Gunter Bechly, EvolutionNews.org – (l)
- Cambrian Explosion: bigger problem for Darwinism than ever
- Darwin’s Biggest Problem – Long Story Short: Evolution Discovery Institute
Lack of Transitional Forms / Tree of Life – The Common Ancestor
- Should We Expect to Find Transitional Forms in the Fossil Record? by John D. Morris, ICR.org – (s)
- What’s a Missing Link? by John D. Morris, ICR.org – (s)
- Fossils Show Stasis and No Transitional Forms from ICR.org – (s)
- Problem 5: Abrupt Appearance of Species in the Fossil Record Does Not Support Darwinian Evolution by Casey Luskin, EvolutionNews.org – (l)
- Inexplicable Species and the Theory of Evolution by Geoffrey Simmons, EvolutionNews.org – (s)
- Problem 6: Molecular Biology Has Failed to Yield a Grand “Tree of Life” by Casey Luskin, EvolutionNews.org – (s)
- Problem 7: Convergent Evolution Challenges Darwinism and Destroys the Logic Behind Common Ancestry by Casey Luskin, EvolutionNews.org – (s)
- Problem 8: Differences Between Vertebrate Embryos Contradict the Predictions of Common Ancestry by Casey Luskin, EvolutionNews.org – (s)
Abiogenesis – Life from Non-life
- The Impossibility of Life’s Evolutionary Beginnings by Jeffrey P. Tomkins, PhD, ICR.org – (l)
- Origin of Life Research Still Dead by Brian Thomas, ICR.org – (s)
- Adam and the Genome and Doug Axe’s Research on the Evolution of New Protein Folds from EvolutionNews.org – (l)
- Basic Questions Remain for the Secular Scientist by Frank Sherwin, ICR.org – (s)
- Abiogenesis: Water and Oxygen Problems by Jeffrey P. Tomkins, PhD, ICR.org – (s)
- Life from Space? from ICR.org – (s)
- What Is the Origin of Life? by Frank Sherwin, ICR.org – (s)
- A Few Reasons an Evolutionary Origin of Life Is Impossible by Duane Gish, PhD, ICR.org – (s)
- Cell Origin Research Is in Hot Water by Brian Thomas, ICR.org – (s)
- An Open Letter to My Colleagues by James Tour, Inference-Review.com by James Tour, Inference-Review.com – (l)
- Welcome to the Top Ten Scientific Problems with Biological and Chemical Evolution by Casey Luskin, EvolutionNews.org – (s)
Et Cetera
- Denis Lamoureux on the God-of-the-Gaps Fallacy by Brian Miller, EvolutionNews.org – (s)
- The Gish – Max Amarillo Debate from ICR.org – (s)
- Problem 2: Unguided Chemical Processes Cannot Explain the Origin of the Genetic Code by Casey Luskin, EvolutionNews.org – (s)
- Problem 4: Natural Selection Struggles to Fix Advantageous Traits in Populations by Casey Luskin, EvolutionNews.org – (s)
- Problem 9: Neo-Darwinism Struggles to Explain the Biogeographical Distribution of Many Species by Casey Luskin, EvolutionNews.org – (s)
- Problem 10: Neo-Darwinism’s Long History of Inaccurate Predictions about Junk Organs and Junk DNA by Casey Luskin, EvolutionNews.org – (l)
- Michael Behe’s Darwin Devolves Topples Foundational Claim of Evolutionary Theory by Brian Miller, EvolutionNews.org – (s)
- On Intelligent Design, Do Your Own Homework. Make Up Your Own Mind. by Michael Behe, EvolutionNews.org – (s)
- Eye Evolution: A Closer Look by Brian Miller, EvolutionNews.org – (s)
- Stasis: Life Goes On but Evolution Does Not Happen by Denyse O’Leary, EvolutionNews.org – (l)
- The Ben Shapiro Show, Sunday Special with Stephen Meyer Ben Shapiro, DailyWire.com – (l, *)
- The Edge of Evolution Michael Behe, PhD, RevolutionaryBehe.com – (s)
- The Codes of Life – A Battle of Predictions: Junk DNA Discovery Science (s)
- Dr. David Berlinski Refutes Evolution in Under 5 Minutes – (s)
- Professor Exposes Impossibilities of Evolution Johnathan Wells – (l)
- A Critique of Darwinist Icons (Icons of Evolution) Jonathan Wells, PhD – (l)
- Ben Stein’s movie Expelled – No Intelligence Allowed – (l, *)
- David Berlinski Explains Problems With Evolution – (l)
- The Ben Shapiro Show, Sunday Special with Stephen Meyer – (l, *)
And finally…a school of words swimming in the brain goo.
If it is not morally wrong for a monkey to throw poo at me, but it is morally wrong for me to throw poo at a person, is it morally wrong for me to throw poo at a monkey? What if he threw poo at me first?
An important note about the linked articles/videos on this page:
All the articles/videos linked within The Armory were written by authors who produced the material for other websites. None of the websites or authors of the linked material are associated with the Christian Faith Armory website.
The purpose for The Armory is to lead the seeker to those trained authors and resource websites that can provide informed opinion and analysis on the subject topics.
i.e. this is an aggregating website for Christian Apologetics. When you discover an article/video that you feel speaks directly to you, please spend time on that website for you may find an author who can speak in a voice heard by your heart.