Evolution: the monkey within


Leave it to the mind of man to formulate the most fascinating of ideas:  Monkey and man share a long lost great, great, great, great…great granddaddy.  Absurdity at its finest…but as outlandish as the idea might seem, the evidence, intellectuals claim, lies in the bones, both fossilized and living.  In digging up the past and observing the present, a scientist discovered a disturbing yet undeniable pattern, and so dropped a paradigm-shifting hypothesis onto the world.  Then, after simple, testable predictions proved true, the remarkably absurd idea became irrefutable fact.


The proof is in the poo.

Consider, if you will, a caged monkey.  Subject of laboratory tests, slave of zoo handlers, and furry object to young onlookers, his instincts and intelligence lead him to to toss his poo at persons he deems deserving.  Why?  Because monkeys discover we think poo is gross.  Compare the monkey to common man.  Caged in a cubicle, infected with boredom, tap-dancing for table scraps, his instincts and intelligence lead him to toss his poo at persons he deems deserving.  Why?  Because getting hit with poo is gross.  Poo tossing:  Coincidence?  I think not.

Not convinced?

Now consider the distinguished professor.  Respected by peers, sought by scientific journals, and revered by doctoral candidates, he radiates intellectual sophistication like a diamond radiates elegance.  Challenge him on the irrefutability of Darwinian evolution, then marvel at the primal instincts within.  Rather than engage in honest discussion by dissecting the arguments, he relentlessly hurls insults like they are steamy, squishy wads of poo.  Idiot. Ignoramus.  Crackpot.  Glue-sniffer.  CREATIONIST! 

Evolution in deed. 


With the endless piles of evidence leading us to this obvious conclusion, how in the world could any intelligent, informed scientist seriously consider Darwinian evolution anything other than irrefutable fact? 

Question:  Are you willing to make that a sincere inquiry?

If so…

Perhaps you should spend some time reading their articles…and then…read their responses to their critics.  It just may be that some of these scientists understand the arguments for evolution but disagree with the interpretation of the evidence.  What’s more, it is entirely possible these scientists are something other than glue-sniffing creationists.

The below linked articles dive deep into the challenges to evolution.  The articles have been categorized by content.




Responses to the responses (Preadaptation / Cooption)


Probability Problem – Time Constraints



Generation of New Information



Response to Snowflakes


Responses to Citrate



(s) short

(l) long

(r) repeated information from above article/video but told through a different voice.

(*) a favorite article/video of the Stuart

Cambrian Explosion



Lack of Transitional Forms / Tree of Life – The Common Ancestor



Abiogenesis – Life from Non-life



Et Cetera


And finally…a school of words swimming in the brain goo.

If it is not morally wrong for a monkey to throw poo at me, but it is morally wrong for me to throw poo at a person, is it morally wrong for me to throw poo at a monkey?  What if he threw poo at me first?


An important note about the linked articles/videos on this page:

All the articles/videos linked within The Armory were written by authors who produced the material for other websites.  None of the websites or authors of the linked material are associated with the Christian Faith Armory website. 

The purpose for The Armory is to lead the seeker to those trained authors and resource websites that can provide informed opinion and analysis on the subject topics.

i.e. this is an aggregating website for Christian Apologetics.  When you discover an article/video that you feel speaks directly to you, please spend time on that website for you may find an author who can speak in a voice heard by your heart.