Christianity:  The Pandemic Evil



In our current age, popular thinkers have determined to argue religion as a mind virus, an Ebola of the brain that liquefies the frontal cortex and impairs rational thinking.  It is said that the pages of history bleed red from the countless atrocities born out of outbreaks in religious fundamentalism.

Ignorance, fear, hopelessness degrade the immune system that protects against the deadly pathogen thus enabling some Typhoid Mary, or more rightly, some charismatic Jim Jones to haplessly infect scores of the uneducated, the gullible, and the downtrodden.

Racism, homomisia, misogyny are but mild symptoms of a society suffering from the contagion.  Eventually, hatred of “the different” turns to segregation, then segregation to subjugation, and finally subjugation to eradication.

The Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, and the Salem Witch Trials lay bare the effects of society’s most lethal, insidious strain of all religions: Christianity.


Wait.  What?  Christianity is bad for society?


The words flowing from these popular thinkers paint colorful distaste for the religiously minded.  But what if we investigate their claims rather than simply admire the passionate rhetoric glossing the pages of their books?  Might we find a different story if we wade past the shallow beach and plunge deep into the mysterious, wild ocean of history?


The authors of the below articles and videos look to provide us with context and truth on this unjust claim.

The articles have been categorized by theme.


Summary Articles/Videos



(s) short

(l) long

(r) repeated information from above article/video but told through a different voice.

(*) a favorite article/video of the Stuart
















Et Cetera





An important note about the linked articles/videos on this page:

All the articles/videos linked within The Armory were written by authors who produced the material for other websites.  None of the websites or authors of the linked material are associated with the Christian Faith Armory website. 

The purpose for The Armory is to lead the seeker to those trained authors and resource websites that can provide informed opinion and analysis on the subject topics.

i.e. this is an aggregating website for Christian Apologetics.  When you discover an article/video that you feel speaks directly to you, please spend time on that website for you may find an author who can speak in a voice heard by your heart.