


and a Few Dialogs



For purists, much of the below would be better regarded as a professional boxer bludgeoning mouthy school kids rather than rigorous debates between intellectual heavy weights.  But to the rest of us laymen, who often get dazzled by pretty, shiny rhetoric, the points within the atheist arguments appear quite weighty.  And though the antagonists frequently fail to block the relentless barrage of protagonist punches with a logical framework, or to counter-punch with coherent arguments, antagonists still speak to the existential feelings tearing at us all.  What’s more, after watching the debates below, many of us will feel the passionate rhetoric wielded by the antagonists pounded the woody professor into cosmic dust.  Thus, while some may argue the debates to be quite shallow in content, in fact, they offer insight into the arguments offered by populist purveyors of atheism.  They offer felt reflections of all our doubt and pain.



One quick note, if you are young in the faith, the Stuart recommends you read this article:   #431 Blind Faith?  and then return to this page once you’ve strengthened your faith through deep study and prayer.   Many of the challenges thrust at the Christian feel far more lethal than they actually are…so it is best if the Christian has spent sufficient time immersed in the truth to distinguish the true truth from the almost truth.  For as surely as the truth saves, the almost truth savages worse than outright lies.  It is critical for your growth to know the difference. 

A very minor effort has been made to group the debates into categories.


God’s Existence:




Reliability of the Bible:
Et Cetera



An important note about the linked articles/videos on this page:

All the articles/videos linked within The Armory were written by authors who produced the material for other websites.  None of the websites or authors of the linked material are associated with the Christian Faith Armory website. 

The purpose for The Armory is to lead the seeker to those trained authors and resource websites that can provide informed opinion and analysis on the subject topics.

i.e. this is an aggregating website for Christian Apologetics.  When you discover an article/video that you feel speaks directly to you, please spend time on that website for you may find an author who can speak in a voice heard by your heart.