The Denouement



This sick world is sadness.  It’s wailing in the night,
Yet anguish yields to peace when pierced by God’s great light.

While death stays its visit, justice comes for father,
Locks him up fifteen years, but dad isn’t bothered.
Fervent prayer and study sooths his struggles and strife.
He bears a strong witness, wins converts with his life.
History’s trap snares Sis’; she marries a beater.
But still the cycle breaks, when truth and strength seize her.
Sarah leaves the monster, and finds ministry’s path.
She serves broken-home kids, sowing love, joy and laughs.

This great struggle is life; grievous sin rots our souls.
For this Christ Jesus died because God loves us so.

He saved our souls.
He sent His mercy.
He sent us hope.
He saved our souls.
Jesus forgave us.

He set us free.


Bennett, M.J.