Why ponder…




Perhaps to understand its nature…and ours.

Perhaps to learn why something is right or it is wrong.

Perhaps to solve the existential riddle of deep seeded guilt.

From childhood, we learn that sin is bad, or as Dictionary.com puts it:


  1. transgression of divine law: the sin of Adam.
  2. any act regarded as such a transgression, especially a willful or deliberate violation of some religious or moral principle.
  3. any reprehensible or regrettable action, behavior, lapse, etc.; great fault or offense: It’s a sin to waste time.


When considering the words above, it certainly appears like the secular dictionary captures the idea of sin, but does it really?  If we delve deep into the papyrus and parchments of antiquity, might we find something essential to the idea missing from the above definition?


While the authors of the below linked articles and videos reside in the current age, they work to make sense of the ancient idea.





(s) short

(l) long

(r) repeated information from above article/video but told through a different voice.

(*) a favorite article/video of the Stuart


Et Cetera




And finally…a school of words swimming in the brain goo.

The guilt that consumes us when we injure a loved one could be rationalized as a form of twisted empathy, but what of the guilt that afflicts in the absence of known injury?  From out of what dark, hellish chasm does that dread seep?  If we dive deep into the flesh, past our carnal desires, through the pillars of pride and depravity into the cold recesses of our heart, might we find the fires of rebellion…and guilt’s tragic origin?


An important note about the linked articles/videos on this page:

All the articles/videos linked within The Armory were written by authors who produced the material for other websites.  None of the websites or authors of the linked material are associated with the Christian Faith Armory website. 

The purpose for The Armory is to lead the seeker to those trained authors and resource websites that can provide informed opinion and analysis on the subject topics.

i.e. this is an aggregating website for Christian Apologetics.  When you discover an article/video that you feel speaks directly to you, please spend time on that website for you may find an author who can speak in a voice heard by your heart.